
uhhh what should i actually use my blog for

then i really do have research to submit here??? uhhh, actually, i don't know what to say if i can honestly blog nga on ameblo. uh huh? what do i need to use this for nga? pang-submit ko ng research talaga yung stylishcircularresearch. uh huh? what do i need this for? so actually, pangarap ko naman pala mag-submit ng research sa ateneo nga. uh huh? hindi naman pala justpasteit talaga research ko? uh huh? pwede nga i-view yon? uh huh? para saan nga to? uh huh? i'm supposed to work on thepencilapp nga? uh huh? what is this for na nga? actually, i definitely need to use this pala instead of karag nga? let me think for a second. talaga palang walang karag nga. pampa-aral...hindi blogspot. reply muna.